Retirement, Taxes and Your Income

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When you enter your second act retirement funding is always top of mind. That is why Sisterhood of the Second Act host Kathy Heberle talked with Patricia Lucas. Lucas is a Registered Representative & Investment Adviser Representative of, and securities and investment advisory services are offered solely by Equity Services, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. National Financial Services Inc. is at 4401 Starkey Road, Roanoke, VA 24018 (540) 989-4600. National Financial Services, Inc. is independent of Equity Services, Inc.

retirement sisterhoodofthesecond act new moon networkThe conversation covers tax free options, risks to retirees and services you should look for when seeking the advice of a financial advisor. Retirement is just one of the financial issues Sisterhood of the Second Act plans to cover in the coming weeks.  Expect the to see information on estate planning, what to do when you are suddenly single and finding that second career.

It is never too late to adjust your retirement strategy and create the best plan to fund your second act.  Knowledge is the best tool.  Make sure you research your options fully.

You can learn more about Patricia Lucas and the services she offers on  National Financial Services, Inc., website.  

Sisterhood of the Second Act on New Moon Network

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Sisterhood of the Second Act is a production of New Moon Creative Media, LLC for the New Moon Network.  SSA is a lifestyle talk show for women entering a new phase of their lives.  These women may be changing careers.  Retirement might be on the horizon.  They may be caring for elderly parents while raising their own children.  They could also be experiencing an empty nest for the first time in decades.  Whatever their situation, Sisterhood of the Second Act provides trustworthy information they can use to create a joyful, prosperous second act.

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