Sisterhood of the Second Act S3 Ep 7: Dressing for your body type/Avoiding scams

body type sisterhood of the second act
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Looking your fabulous is as simple as wearing the colors that look best on you and the styles that suit your body type. Image consultant Beth Garrett helps her clients do just that. Scams are in season all year long. Julie Wheeler, President and CEO of the Better Business Bureau serving Western Virginia tells us how to avoid some common scams.

Your Body Type

Feeling good when you walk out the door is as simple as choosing the best styles for your body type. If it is so simple then why do so many of us choose styles that do not accentuate our positive traits. Beth Garrett is the owner of Elevating Your Image. She says wearing the correct colors and dressing for your body type can take years off your appearance and make you feel great.

Beth Garrett Color and Style Consultant

On this edition of Sisterhood of the Second Act Garrett tells host Kathy Heberle how to dress for your body type. She also shares examples on how the shape of your face impacts the accessories you choose to wear. Many of us do not consider our face shape when choosing jewelry or hats. Your choice of accessories can be the difference between looking nice and wowing everyone in attendance when you walk in the room.

Avoiding scams

Scammers are always looking for a way to take your hard earned cash. They pray on your generosity, your fear and your desire to get a good deal. For Julie Wheeler, President and CEO of the Better Business Bureau Serving Western Virginia, it is always the busy season.

Julie Wheeler Pres./CEO Better Business Bureau Serving Western Virginia

Scammers use the warm weather months to enact home repair scams. This in-person scam targets homeowners every year. The war in Ukraine is spawning some scams in the same way natural disasters or other tragedies do.

In this edition of Sisterhood of the Second Act Julie Wheeler tells us how to avoid these scams by recognizing the red flags

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Sisterhood of the Second Act (SSA) is a production of New Moon Creative Media, LLC for the New Moon Network.  SSA is a lifestyle talk show for women entering a new phase of their lives.  These women may be changing careers.  Retirement might be on the horizon.  They may be caring for elderly parents while raising their own children.  They could also be experiencing an empty nest for the first time in decades.  Whatever their situation, Sisterhood of the Second Act provides trustworthy information they can use to create a joyful, prosperous second act.

Show Notes

Beth Garrett

Julie Wheeler BBB Serving Western Virginia

Kathy’s Wardrobe

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